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Used to determine which foods may be aggravating your immune system.

Food Sensitivity testing is used to determine which foods may be aggravating your immune system and lowering your tolerance to physical, chemical, and emotional influences. Symptoms of food sensitivity are varied and may include constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, headache, skin inflammation, mood swings, fatigue, sinus/lung congestion, and other vague and seemingly unrelated symptoms. Long-term dietary habits may lead to more serious symptoms and illness.

Sensitivity testing is a two-stage procedure

The first of which is the detoxification process. To promote detoxification, we test up to 150 common foods and determine which are aggravating your already weakened system, and may be contributing to your symptoms. We recommend removing any foods that you show sensitivity to from your diet for three weeks and give suggestions for alternative foods, based on your lifestyle, Blood Type, and food preferences. This elimination will allow your body to re-balance itself and release stored toxins.

The second phase is to re-test the foods that you have been avoiding for the 5 weeks, as well as the foods that commonly cause symptoms. Foods that still show a reaction, even though you have been avoiding them, are probably your primary sensitivity foods and will take longer to clear.

North American physicians and patients encounter more difficulty in understanding and accepting these methods, as we have been educated and conditioned to view health and disease from a mainly biochemical perspective. German doctors recognize and use both biochemical and biophysical means. Also, until recently most of the research material was available only in German.

The sensitivity testing helps you to understand which foods allow your body to function optimally, and which "bog down" your immune system. After the three-week elimination and retest, it is possible to assist healing and eat preventively with longer term but less stringent dietary modifications.

Food Allergy Testing

Food Sensitivity testing is used to determine which foods may be aggravating your immune system and lowering your tolerance to physical, chemical, and emotional influences. Symptoms of food sensitivity are varied and may include constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, headache, skin inflammation, mood swings, fatigue, sinus/lung congestion, and other vague and seemingly unrelated symptoms. Long-term dietary habits may lead to more serious symptoms and illness.

Sensitivity testing is a two-stage procedure

The first of which is the detoxification process. To promote detoxification, we test up to 150 common foods and determine which are aggravating your already weakened system, and may be contributing to your symptoms. We recommend removing any foods that you show sensitivity to from your diet for three weeks, and give suggestions for alternative foods, based on your lifestyle, Blood Type, and food preferences. This elimination will allow your body to re-balance itself and release stored toxins.

The second phase is to re-test the foods that you have been avoiding for the 5 weeks, as well as the foods that commonly cause symptoms. Foods that still show a reaction, even though you have been avoiding them, are probably your primary sensitivity foods and will take longer to clear.

North American physicians and patients encounter more difficulty in understanding and accepting these methods, as we have been educated and conditioned to view health and disease from a mainly biochemical perspective. German doctors recognize and use both biochemical and biophysical means. Also, until recently most of the research material was available only in German.

The sensitivity testing helps optimally, and which "bog down" your immune system. After the three-week elimination and retest, it is possible to assist healing and eat preventively with longer term but less stringent dietary modifications.

Food Allergy Testing

Testing may identify foods which can be classified as sensitivities. It may also be beneficial to test for allergic reactions by sending blood samples for Immunoglobulin reactivity.

A combined IgG4 and IgE, by ELISA Method, are frequently used to test 95 commonly eaten foods. A blood draw is required for this test and is sent to a qualified laboratory for analysis. 

View Sample Report - HERE
